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    Getting Apart

    2010-03-04 21:05:26

        How time flies! Four years'colledge life has passed and it's time to begin our clinical practise.Yesterday won't be called again,however,what has left to me is the time i got together with my dear friends,full of encouragement,happiness,complaints,even childishness.Several scenes turn up in my mind...

        Watched the insects flying in the warm summer air,and listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass,sunset found my dormmates and i had a walk along the stone path inside the living area,laughing and enjoying muskmelon seeds...

        I had a dorm filled with childish atmosphere,there are baby photos on the wall,sometimes my dormmates and i liked blowing bubbles in the dorm and made them everywhere...

        Although getting apart from campus,I won't forget my three dormmates.Qiu is a girl of homeliness,she has a dream to have a further study and get the master's degree;Zheng is so forgetful that she sometimes even can't remmember when she has taken a shower.Yang is the most lovely girl in our dorm,an easy-going girl,she is eager to have real love during her colledge life but hasn't come true yet. Qiu and i always liked to play a joke on her.when she was taking a shower,we knocked at the bathroom's window quietly with a long clothing fork,and this made her issue scream without knowing that was what we had done,so interesting...She never got angry with us...

        Everytime when it came to the mid-term or final-term tests,we stayed up late,the view of"working hard" in our mind had effects on each other...

        Poeple say:"friendship is the spring water found in the desert;friendship is a bright light seen in the darkness;friendship can speed up the beat of life".I believe it,don't you think so?Though we live apart from each other now,the morning wind will take my blessings to my dear friends:may happiness accompany with us all the time,don't forget each other,the sun will rise radiantly for us everyday.

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